Saturday, February 25, 2006

Roosey Road, PR

OK, OK! I apologize for being remiss in updating my posts.

For the last 10 days, Dale and I settled into a routine of him rising each morning at dawn to jog and I would sleep in. Then he would return to attack a project and I would ride my bicycle to our old house on the opposite side of the base and back for exercise (and stay out of the way of the salty language associated with the project.) I thought I was riding about 7 miles each day. I found out that I was riding closer to 13 miles instead. No wonder I'd get back exhausted.

Anyway, he tore apart both toilets to clean them (the first one took about half a day, the second took about an hour). We took the windless motor in for testing and found that it was shot; but we were lucky (so far) that we've been told that we can replace just the motor, instead of the whole windless (we should know tomorrow if the motor is in.) We took the main sail down and took it into the sail loft to have the repair I made replaced. (My repair did hold but the webbing that I used stretched and that was why the sail started to sag (See 01/25/2006). I now have a bit of the correct type of webbing in my repair kit.)

We cleaned the bottom of the boat again. The protective paint is starting to die and the barnacles and grass are starting to grow more aggressively in the warm Caribbean waters. It was the first time I used the hooka and found that it was harder than I had anticipated. Normally when using scuba gear, it's easier to draw a breath from the tanks. When using this apparatus, I found it more difficult to draw a breath and then trying to keep from pushing away from the boat while scrubbing was exhausting.

Mike & Terri returned from the Miami Boat Show. They fly back to Miami to help at the Manta Catamaran exhibition each year. The 4 of us drove around Fajardo running our various errands. Then we took them around the base but this time, the security guards chased us away from a housing area and then followed us around as we toured other areas that for the last 10 days have been open access. We noticed that they were also wearing their flak jackets and that they were closing the main gates after dark. Me thinks there's something about! Oh well, if they say shoo! We shoo!

Tonight Roger & Elaine return from Denver, so the crew will all be together again.