Friday, February 07, 2020

Friday, February 7, 2020

Turks & Caicos

Today was another of those killing time days.  We repaired a couple of snaps on our shade covers.  Dale did his good deed of running the bilge pumps for our neighbor and took a walk to stretch his legs a bit.  I prepared some poo-poos for our sundowners on Texas Crewed tonight.  We helped one boat get underway and another come in across the dock from us. 

During our reading, playing computer games, catching up on e-mails section of the day, Dale found a couple of e-mails from our insurance company that showed up in his technical information folder for the boat.  When I went back to check my e-mails, I couldn’t find them anywhere, so we’re going to have to double check on both computers from now on. 

We heard from Goin’ Sum Ware today.  They called their transit “marginal at best” with a wave across the bow that “caused some damage and a minor injury” but didn’t go into detail.  They did say that they pulled into the Dominican Republic after 27 hours to get some rest. 

This evening, we did the show and tell on Texas Crewed.  They are an Antaries 44 that is about 9” wider and 2’ longer than us.  Those 2’, a different layout and not as much clutter as we have, made their boat seem so much larger than ours.  We played a bit of dominos for a couple of hours and made plans to rent a car tomorrow to check out another marina on the north side of the island to get a pre-stage idea for the next leg to Puerto Rico. 

Other than that, not much is happening.  Sorry to be so boring.