Monday, February 03, 2020

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Turks & Caicos

Today was a lazy day.  As there was no weather on the radio this morning, we slept in.  I used the marina facilities for my shower and Dale took his on board.  Dale’s was hot; mine was in a garden/grotto type shower carved out of coral rock and not hot but picturesque.  I hate to wax on about bathrooms but I have been totally impressed with how clean all of the facilities are here.    

Gypsy Palace med-moored
 with Motor yacht at fuel pier
About midmorning, a huge motor yacht came in to clear Customs, fuel and take a slip—right next to us.  Remember we’re in here like sardines.  From our angle, its going to be tight but as it turned out, not today, as the wind changed direction, piped up to the point where I had to take our awnings down and the owner wasn’t going to move in tight quarters during the high winds.  We had no problems with his decision.

I hadn’t intended to do laundry today but Dale thought that with a front forecasted to move through tomorrow, it might be prudent to get it done today using the marina facilities in case it rains tomorrow and the laundry wouldn’t have a chance to dry hanging out.  Apparently, someone else had the same idea because every time I went to check the washer, it was being used.  As there is only one washer, this necessitated running up every 30-40 minutes to check on the status.  Finally, one time when I went up to check it, the wash had been completed but it was just sitting there.  I took a seat near the entrance and waited for the owner to retrieve it.  After about 20 minutes, I checked at the office to see if they knew who it belonged to or would it be alright for me to put it into the basket left there.  She instructed me to put it in the drier and start mine in the washer, as the person would be doing laundry all day; I had a funny feeling that it was her wash.  When it came time to rotate the laundry, I put the dry clothes in the basket sitting there and put mine in the drier but now there was a second basket full of clothes.  I elected to not continue doing laundry for someone else as I figured they might already be upset with me moving things around.  Again, the washer and drier were immaculate and worked perfectly.  Its amazing what makes me happy.

In the meantime, today is Superbowl Sunday, so Dale turned on the TV and started looking for stations in hopes of finding one that would carry the game.  No dice!  We couldn’t access a single channel.  Dale figures its because we’re sort of in a hole, surrounded, for the most part, by hillsides.  So, he went up to the marina restaurant to see if they could get something.  They have satellite TV and said that they would look for it when it was game time.  So, guess where we’re having dinner tonight and being former Kansas City residents, you can imagine who we’ll be rooting for?