Monday, May 07, 2007

Turtle Cove,
Turks & Caicos Islands

32.0 NM
5.17 Hrs.
6.1 Avg.
7.2 Max

Current Odometer: 7446.0

We lifted anchor at 7 am and headed out to Sandbore Channel in beautiful clear water that was the color of Windex in the deeper 20-30’ areas. Even at these depths, you still could see clearly the corals, sponges and the occasional barracuda on the bottom.

We rounded north to Northwest Point which is located outside the reef that lies off Providenciales and then back south to Turtle Cove on the island’s northeast shore (the bank is roughly shaped like a triangle in this area.) Although our chart plotter reflected deep water for the entire trip, there were a couple of times that we jumped up and made quick turns to deeper water to avoid the reefs that extended out in our direction. Nothing like getting the ol’ ticker pumping when your depth finder goes from over 500’ to less than 20’ in a minute.

We radioed ahead for an escort through Seller’s Cut, then waited with a 57’ powerboat until a little skiff came out and led us through the circuitous route onto the bank, through the reef and coral heads and finally through the very narrow zig zag entrance into Turtle Cove Marina. Surprisingly, our chart plotter was very accurate for this area but we still were grateful for the guide in.

We were directed to the fuel dock and then handed the paperwork for clearing into Customs and registering for our stay at the marina. Until we cleared, however, we were not allowed to refuel. About 2 hours later, the Customs/Immigration officials arrived and processed our paperwork. I’m not complaining, they came to us and in the meantime, it gave us time to fill out our paperwork, take showers, tidy up a bit and relax in the cockpit.

Once we were officially here, we brought down the “Q” flag, hoisted our TCI courtesy flag and refueled. We were directed to a slip which is way too big for us and hooked up to power and water. We grabbed a quick bite to eat and then gave the Palace a thorough wash down. We’re still tweaking the lines trying to center the Palace in the slip and yet allow us to reach the finger pier to get off. For some reason, this time its easier said than done with stationary docks, a 1.5’ tide and what appears to be a constant ebb and flow around the tiny peninsula that we’re on.
We climbed off the Palace about 5pm and walked along the boardwalk that wraps most of the way around the marina. We found ‘Sharkbites’, a restaurant that is supposed to have the best wings for miles around, so we stopped in a had a few. Although a bit salty for my taste, they were very, very good.

Nasty weather lies to the north of us; coming from around Jacksonville no less, so we’ll stay here until it passes.