Monday, January 06, 2020

Monday, January 6, 2020

Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

Another one of those “you’re never going to believe this” days! 

We have a mail service that scans our mail so that we can make a determination as to whether to send it to us, shred it, hold it, etc.  Yesterday while reviewing our mail, one of our investment companies (the one with the largest investments we have) sent their annual status checks and had Dale as still actively employed.  So, this morning he called to ask them to revise the status--only to learn that we had “fired” them on 12/12/2019.  Definitely a “whiskey tango foxtrot” moment. 

After extracting our fingernails from the overhead (ceiling), we learned that “we” had e-mailed them saying that we were going to a different firm and to redirect our funds to them.  We ascertained that no funds had been moved as yet, so we quickly put into place a don’t do anything with our money unless we call you with a secret squirrel decoder word.  For grins and giggles, our agent tried to send a return message to us via that e-mail and we received nothing.  They are going to use the information gleaned from that e-mail to see if they can track down who it originates from. 

Then, for the remainder of the morning and into the early afternoon, I changed all of our passwords on our financial accounts and all of our e-mail accounts.  I’m in the habit of going directly to sites I visit though the Internet directly, not saving passwords on my computer, and not using e-mail links for this very reason, so I’m hoping that nothing else shows up.  I am curious as to why I wasn’t able to access one of our security accounts though.  That’s going to require a telephone call tomorrow as I was exhausted when I was done today. 

You know, one side of my family believed in putting all of their money in the mattress, I’m beginning to think they may have been on to something. 

This afternoon we attended another of the cruisers’ get togethers where the talk was on sailing in Europe.  Specifically, Croatia.  Not that we ever plan on sailing in that neck of the ocean but it was a way of meeting new people. 

Most cruisers are concerned with the incoming weather on Wednesday and Thursday.  It’s predicted that our 15-20 kts are going to decrease tomorrow but on Wednesday and Thursday pipe up to 25-35 kts. with gusts in the 40 kts range.  Dale has already let out more chain on our anchor and we haven’t budged.  We also have a kellet in our sail kit so we can add pure weight to our anchor tackle if needed. Today we walked around making sure everything is tied down, locked tight or wrapped so the wind can’t get to it.  I’m sure we’ll make another assessment tomorrow just to double check but its hard just to wait for it.  In the meantime, although the sun hasn’t shone long enough to keep our solar lights lit for very long, the wind generator has been putting amps in the can and Dale is a happy camper. 

Tonight, there was an “alt cruisers’ net” at 9pm.  It was definitely politically incorrect, slightly ribald, poked fun at everyone and had me laughing out loud. More than likely, it was sorely needed.