Thursday, December 28, 2006

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

Today was a day of running errands. We invited Tom & Jordan to go along with us as we were making our customary runs to West Marine and the grocery store.

There was a nice after-Christmas sale going on at West Marine where I picked up a couple of Christmas ornaments and a pair of shorts for Dale. I told Dale all of my purchases were free after the 20% discount was deducted from his purchases. Jordan knew exactly what I was saying but both Dale and Tom decided that I was using some type of foreign mathematics as a purchasing tactic that every woman learned in a class they weren’t privy to.

After our errands, we dropped Tom & Jordan off at their boat then headed out again to Puerto del Rey, the next marina to the east, to see if Mike & Terri of MTNest had returned from the States. We walked down the dock and started waving exuberantly at the dark haired woman sunning on the trampoline. We rounded the corner to discover that we were in fact waving to Terri’s daughter, Tonya. Tonya and Ally, her friend from college, were visiting for a couple of weeks. They all had arrived late last night. Mike & Terri were out re-provisioning and they anticipated leaving for a visit of the Spanish Virgins on Saturday. They promised to let Mike & Terri know that we had dropped by.

While in the middle of preparing dinner later this evening, we received a hail on the radio from Mike inviting us to join them at Lolitas for a night of Mexican food and catching up. Naturally, I finished up and then stored it all away since I wanted to visit with friends we hadn’t seen in almost a year.

We had a marvelous time and of course, reminisced about our times with Roger & Elaine. It’s hard to believe that the last time that we saw Mike & Terri was about this same time last year. We had met in Luperon and had spend our time in the Dominican Republic with them, crossed the Mona Passage together to Puerto Rico, toured the western and southern coast of Puerto Rico with them and then said our good-byes in Virgin Gorda last February when they continued on with DocNoMore to St. Martin and we headed back to Puerto Rico to meet our daughter Michelle and, . . . Hey wait a minute . . . We were waiting for Gerry & Nicky a year ago too!!!
Anyway, we had a great time and learned that they were going to Culebra for the New Year celebration, then on to St. Thomas. Ally was returning home out of St. Thomas and Tonya was staying another couple of weeks before leaving the same way. They invited us to join them for as long as we could.

We decided that we would join them for the New Year festivities and go as far as St. Thomas but that we needed to be back in Puerto Rico by Friday as we had to pick up our jib and dinghy cover from the sail loft. We coordinated our plans and hope to meet up with them on Saturday morning on the way to Culebra.