Saturday, May 13, 2006

Bequia, Grenadines

We spent most of today reading. What can I say, some days are slower than others.

We had spoken with DocNoMore, Foreclosure and Wayfinder about going into town for pizza. Foreclosure had invited Cloud Nine; the more the merrier we thought. We dinghied to the dock and hired “Junior” an 11 year old entrepreneur for $1 to keep an eye on our dinghy that we had locked to the pier itself.

We had reservations at a local restaurant for 6:30. At 7:00, Cloud Nine arrived with another 6 people. I though the only waitress for the establishment was going to have a heart attack. A couple of us started rearranging the tables to accommodate the group and we devised a system of ordering where the waitress could keep our orders separate. Within a few minutes, we were all organized and the waitress looked a little less stressed. We had heard other cruisers (mostly British) saying that the Americans were always organizing things. I’d rather say that Americans can’t stand inefficiency for too terribly long.

We sat next to Rick & Carey off Memory. He is ex-Navy who is 1 year post cancer surgery and most recently, a retired Delta pilot. We really enjoyed their company. Carey and I spoke of our love of New Orleans and Dale & Rick discussed the small world of the U.S. Navy.

For the next couple of hours, we had a great time talking with everyone heading south. Most were heading to Trinidad but there were those hell bent on going to Venezuela.

I grant you, this isn’t really a lot to write about but we met 3 more boat crews that are doing what we’re doing and we’re all doing it this particular season. That kind of makes us all part of a small community. Kinda cool all by itself.