Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday, December 29, 2019
Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

I can’t say we did much more than we did yesterday.  We did drop the dink down and went exploring the inner most harbors around Volleyball Beach.  We were impressed as to how far back some of the more protected harbors were.  We stopped by Chat N Chill to partake of their Sunday afternoon pig roast and were fascinated as to how many tourists (as opposed to cruisers) were transported from various resorts in the area.  I don’t think we appreciated the degree of just how much the surrounding areas around Georgetown have become tourist destinations. 

Ferry boats loaded to capacity started transiting about 10am bringing folks over and then switched about 2 pm to taking folks back and didn’t stop until after 5pm.  The beach was packed and the wait in line to get the food lasted about 30 minutes.  Dale waited the same amount just getting the tickets and drinks but I had already gotten in the food line to save time.  Good thing. 

The wind finally started to die down sometime this afternoon and the waves are following suit.  Too bad we are waiting for parts as this would be a great time to make our way farther south and east during the 2-3 day respite.  We’ve been listening to 2 boats that are planning to go from here to Puerto Rico directly.  We plan on stopping in the Turks and Caicos but may go directly to Puerto Rico from there if we can get a good weather window. 

Can’t say there is anything else.  I’m on my 6th Bubba book and Dale is reading the history of Florida, so we are staying occupied.