Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday, December 27, 2019
Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

Today was rather productive.  We listened to the weather; today would be fairly decent but over the next two days, it is predicted to deteriorate into high winds and passing squalls. We listened to the cruisers net, the junkanoo scheduled for Saturday evening may be postponed due to the weather, then Dale started with the telephone calls to see if we could get a couple of parts needed for both the sail and the watermaker.  

The sail part may actually be on its way as they were trying to get it out in today’s mail.  No confirmation number was forwarded, so we can’t follow up until Monday.  Unfortunately, the watermaker people are off for the holidays until January 2, 2020.  Ugh!!

We went into town again and picked up a sim card for Dale's telephone as its cheaper to do it that way instead of me going through AT&T for a special international rider on mine.  So I have internet and telephone messaging for the next month, if I need it. 

We walked up and down the main street looking for a place to sit down and have lunch and found a little place that served chicken curry.  Then while Dale filled up the water can, I went grocery shopping.  I was hard pressed to find all the items on my list but did come away with some decent looking lettuce and a green pepper.  The prices took my breath away but I suppose that’s the price for living in paradise. 

Gerry and Nicky are making their way across the Mona Passage today into Puerto Rico.  I’m beginning to think we’re never going to be able to catch up with them with all of our repairs of late. 

The ride back was wetter than yesterday’s as the winds were already starting to pick up.  Tonight we sit in in the Palace and feel as if we’re starting to ride a bucking bronco.  We’ll have to see if there’s a more protected spot tomorrow.  In the meantime, we’ll have to put seatbelts on the bed to keep from falling out. 

Guess that’s about it for today.