Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hog Island, Grenada

As days go at anchor, this one was rather busy. We began our day by reading in our respective books. Then we headed over to Whispering Cove Marina to play Mexican Dominos under an open tent with Shelly, one of the proprietors, George & Mary on Avelon V (we met them in Carriacou several months ago) and of course, Gary & Linda on Rainbowrider.

Gary was new to the game but Melina, Shelly’s nine year old daughter, sat at his side and not only told him how to play the game but also suggested various strategies to enhance his moves. I was impressed with how sharp she was. She was also pretty quick in adding up the scores too. Little did we know that we had a pint sized ringer in our midst.

Mexican Dominos takes about 2 - 3 hours to play, depending upon how many people are participating; today was no different. We drank fresh, homemade lemonade and welcomed the breezes throughout the afternoon but then rushed back to our respective boats for social hour on True Companions with Steve & Vickie.

We enjoyed a couple of hours with everyone on True Companions but left early as tomorrow, Dale will be attacking the outboard again. On our way to play dominos, the outboard suddenly started to rev up but with no additional propulsion. At first I thought we may have snagged a line in the water but since we were no where near any lines, Dale felt that we had “spun” the prop. Usually this happens when you hit something; we hadn’t, in fact, I don’t think we’ve hit anything with the outboard for the entire trip. In any event, we certainly weren’t going to go very far in its condition, so we headed back to Rainbowrider and bummed a ride with them.

Tomorrow, we’ll have to take the outboard off the dinghy, mount it on the back of the boat so that Dale can see what the problem is. I know that we brought a spare prop, so hopefully, it’s something we will be able to take care of easily. There’s never a dull moment and we try never to forget that cruising is fixing your boat in exotic places.