Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

The last day of 2019 and it was rather productive.  After our normal routine of listening to the weather and the cruisers’ net, we hoisted anchor and motored over to the town to fill our water and diesel tanks.  The water was flat calm and there was no problem.  Even when the yacht club directed us to an inner harbor to fill up.  We had no idea that we could skirt around the piers and tie up on the inside.  They directed us to stop, pivot and back into the assigned area.  Thankfully, I was able to do so with Dale directing me through the headset as I can’t see past the swing seat when we’re backing.  Talk about a blind spot.  Anyway, we did it and when we were done, returned pretty much to the same spot in front of Chat N Chill that we were in to start with.  This is good, as after 2 days of flat calm, we are due to get nasty winds again going into the weekend and we need the protection from the hills around us.

Once we were certain that we weren’t going anywhere after we anchored, Dale donned his mask and snorkel and cleaned one hull of the Palace of the grass that is starting to grow along the side exposed to the sunlight.  He came back saying that the next time we paint the bottom, we’ll have to raise the waterline about 2”.  Hey!  Its his side-full of tools and spare parts-not mine.  Besides, we’ve always noticed that the Palace has a habit of sitting down when she picks up speed whether we’re motoring or sailing and water comes up over the swim platform.  Nothing we can do about that but we can raise the waterline along the side to keep the outside garden to a minimum. 

I was able to settle another bag of stores and pull out a couple of Sam’s bags to trip over regularly as we were informed the Exuma Market will be charging 25 cents (yipes!) per plastic grocery bag after the first of the year and I need to remind myself to take in my own.  I can’t say it’s totally unexpected, in Texas, Target was charging for bags the last time I was there but they were at least larger and thicker so that they could be used a few times.   Also, if I remember correctly, some other islands down further don’t offer bags for your groceries either.  Trust me, I came prepared this time. 

This evening Dale ran the genset (and it started right away and kept running) to put amps in the can.  Not really sure why, as we had a sunny clear day and put amps in the can all day long but who am I to argue with the amp Nazi?  I cooked a huge meal (using some of my own boat grown basil) so that I could freeze the left overs for our anticipated multi day journey to Puerto Rico once the parts come in. 

Last Sunset of 2019
Other than watching Medicine Man (I swear Sean Connery just gets better with age!) we’re just sitting here waiting for the new year to ring in.  Supposedly there will be fireworks. 

So, . . .  Happy New Year!