Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

Turks & Caicos

Happy 16th Birthday Kyndall!

Happy 60 something Birthday Geri!!

Although this morning Chris Parker (the weather guru) didn’t fill us with a lot of confidence, he did offer a glimmer of hope in that there may be a weather window for the southern route (along the coast of the Dominican Republic) to Puerto Rico later this week.  Dale hopped on his computer to check another source and we watched the progression of wind and waves that looks promising.  So now, we just have to get the rigger to hurry up on the report we’ve been waiting for, so that we have insurance to leave. 

Then he went up and down the dock talking with the others who have been waiting for the same window, so we may have a small caravan heading out on Thursday or Friday.  He wants to make sure that it firms up a bit more before we commit to it. 

Also today, we had signed up for a tour of the beer facility here in Turks & Caicos called Turk’s Head Brewery.   We were told that the tour started promptly at 1pm, with or without you, so we made sure we were on time by arriving about 20 minutes early and were forced to drink a beer (or in the ladies’ case, a rum and coke or vodka and cranberry) to kill the time.   Believe it or not these last drinks were also made on the premises and sold in cans already premade.  They were great!

The tour was informative and although it didn’t show the packaging portion, it did end with a flight of 4 different beers or in Dale’s case 8 different beers.  I had noticed that they also had a flight of the rums that they make, so I chose that one, naturally, as it was a beer tour and not a rum tour, this was extra.  The coconut rum was excellent but the other 3, I just had to knock back as they were pretty strong and not conducive to sipping.  By the time we walked out, we were pretty happy.  Of course, we purchased a couple of cases of the rum and coke drinks.  You couldn’t beat the price of $1.50 per drink and since they are canned, it’s perfect for the boat. 

Of course, once we made it back to the boat, it was siesta time as I had thought ahead and made our contribution to the pot luck tonight before we left. 

Once again, we really enjoyed getting together with everyone at the pot luck and compared notes on sailing, where we had been, where we’re going, and in my case, the young lady I was sitting next to had cut her finger severely, so we were comparing injuries. 

Tonight the wind is howling again but we’re tucked in tightly (Bob put another boat between Le Perle Blue and us), so no one is going anywhere without half the marina going along too.  So, I bid you all good night. 

Crews of Gypsy Palace and Texas Crewed
Dale & Lorie and Gene & Renee