Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday, January 13, 2020

Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

I know that its been a couple of days but thankfully, there’s nothing really to tell you that’s exciting.  Yesterday we attended “beach church.”  We both really did feel better afterwards and sat and spoke with a woman whose dinghy was swamped as they tried to cross the channel in these high winds.  Obviously, she and her husband were rescued immediately by another boat.   A reminder that regardless of what’s going on in your world, there’s always someone who has it worse than you. 

Since we had the dinghy in the water, we took a quick look at the side of our boat to survey for damage.  We’re scuffed but except for the broken stanchion and fiberglass backing plate, that’s all we can see.  Dale coated the break in the fiberglass with a rubberized sealant to keep the water out until we can find a place to repair it.  Interestingly, the man who was so determined to get all of our insurance information has yet to respond to our agent’s request for information. 

I signed up to attend a “ladies’ luncheon” this coming Wednesday just to get off the boat and hopefully the winds will die down to the predicted 17 kts. so that I won’t look like a drowned rat when I get there.  Relatively speaking, 17kts would be wonderful; at least quieter and less rolly. 

After weeks of being cooped up due to all of this wind, people in the anchorage are getting cabin fever or punch drunk these days and the strangest things are heard on the radio after dark.  Dale and I get a chuckle out of it but even he is getting tired of the constant howling wind.  Tonight we listened to people trying to alert others that their dinghy had broken loose and could they please catch it as it went by their boat.  After it was caught, it was relayed back that the second party had lost theirs the day before.  So its getting real sporty in the anchorage these days.

We did receive some semi-good news.  One of our parts and our mail has made it to Nassau.  Now it just a question of getting it to this island.  At least there’s some obvious movement in the right direction. 

Guess that’s it for today.