Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

Today has been pretty rough for Dale.  He had put everything together on the water maker yesterday but didn’t try starting it until today.  Unfortunately, he still couldn’t get the required pressure needed to make water.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so deflated.  He must have read the manual cover to cover 3 times, learning nothing new, before he was able to get through to the tech guys in California.  They walked him though each step once again while he was on the phone with them.  The final decision was that the regulator on the system is faulty and a new one will be sent to us.  Dale told them there was no way we could sit here another month waiting for the part to clear customs and paying another exorbitant VAT (value added tax).  We made arrangements to wait for shipment until we arrive in Puerto Rico.  There’s even a manufacturer’s representative located there. 

On my side of the equation.  I tested the one load a day theory again and was shot out of the water.  Even Dale tried.  Then I learned that the ice maker was turned on.  Once we turned the ice maker off, shut everything connected with the washing machine completely off, turned it all back on, it started working again. 

By this time it was after noon and there was a talk on the beach about batteries that Dale had wanted to attend.  So, while he attended the ‘seminar,’ I played Dominos.  Once again, I had the most fun. 

After we were both done and walking back to the dinghy, I asked if he learned anything new.  He said “yes, our batteries are on their last leg.”  Apparently, our type of batteries last about 8 years; we bought them about 6 years ago.  Of course, this means that in the next year or so, we’ll get up one day and the batteries will need to be replaced.  At least I can start to budget for them now. 

The one good thing that happened today was that we got the call informing us our sail part had arrived.  We’ll pick it up tomorrow and go from there.