Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

Today was one of those days where some things went well and others, well, didn’t.

We started our day listening to weather, apparently, it’s not going to get as blustery on Wednesday and Thursday as first thought of last week.  Which is good for us. 

Looking towards George Town
All is well in the anchorage and we are up to 197 boats now. 

Dale then started prepping the water maker to get it running but held off until he had a chance to speak with the representative.  Once done, he learned that it was OK to drain the remaining oil it was originally shipped with and put in new to run it.  So, we drained the oil out of the original one (since it never worked once the oil had been changed) and put it in the new water maker after it was drained. 

He also tore apart the generator that quit last evening.  He determined that he was getting fuel from the tank to the generator but no further which established that it was not the same problem as we had the first time.  Just to confirm, he turned on one of the engines and ran it for an hour just to make sure nothing clogged it.  Changing the main fuel filter seemed to fix the problem with the generator and we ran it for a couple of hours without issue. 

Since the generator was running, I again tested my theory that the washing machine only works once a day.  At first it balked but I turned everything off and then back on and tried again and that time it did one whole program (wash, drain, spin, rinse, drain, spin, rinse, drain, spin, blink the little red light forever before unlocking the door).  I hung the clothes out to dry and called it a day as far as laundry. 

While I was monitoring the washing progress, Dale went in to town to see if the sail part had arrived.  That’s where our luck ran out.  However, the shop that handles the incoming imports checked their database and said that our part was scheduled to be on a flight out this evening and should be here by tomorrow.  How many times have we been told that?

By the time Dale got back, is was after 1pm and since I had missed my Dominos game yesterday, I convinced him he should take the rest of the day off and go play Dominos with me.  He agreed and proceeded to beat all of us.  However, it was determined that I had the most fun as I had the most points (in the game of Mexican Train Dominos, the idea is to have the least amount of points at the end).  We made it back to the Palace a little after 5pm, foregoing the dinghy raft up at 4:30, and called it a day.

I guess that’s it for today.