Sunday, June 24, 2007

Allens-Pensacola Cay
Abacos, Bahamas

Today was the big day. The guys had made plans to go spear fishing at 9am this morning. However, Mother Nature had other ideas. Rumblings off to the West could be heard; thunderboomers were definitely building. Bob on Toucan Dream called everyone to ask whether there was still a fishing expedition happening. He had consulted the radar and we had several storm cells heading in our direction. It was agreed among the gentlemen that they would wait for awhile to see how things developed.

While they were waiting, Stacy from Aye Doc called Dale to ask his opinion about a puncture wound in his hand that he thought was getting infected. They discussed the various how, what and when, then Dale told him that he would come over to look at it.
Bob on Toucan Dream dropped by as Dale was digging through his medical kit. He thought it would be great fun to pull a practical joke on Stacy and wanted Dale to tell him that he couldn’t go in salt water until it had healed. Stacy lives to swim, snorkel, dive and fish; this would not go down well in his book. Stacy also saw through the ruse before Dale had barely gotten the more likely ‘need to stay out of the sun’ associated with medication out of his mouth. So the practical joke never got off the ground.

About an hour after their scheduled departure time, Lady Luck smiled in their direction, most likely hearing the disappointment in Stacey’s voice when everyone agreed to wait for a bit, before they (Dale, Bob, Stacy and Jim from Two By Sea) were on their way for a boys day of fishing. They figured that an hour of fishing was better than nothing and that the spouses of the great hunter/gatherers would stay with the boats in case the wind and rain picked up.

The ladies on the other hand had made plans to go beachcombing for sea glass, sea shells, sponges and driftwood. We too watched the radar and when the closest cell disintegrated before making it to our anchorage and the cell behind it was clearly moving south of us, we came to the same conclusion. An hour of beachcombing was better than none. So, I joined Caron, Nancy and Betsy for what I thought was going to be the remainder of the morning. Little did I know that these ladies were serious beachcombers. I had a great time chit chatting and searching for treasure on the beach but I was shocked when we finally made it back to our respective boats and learned that it was 4pm already. No wonder they had commented about me burning in the sun. I really don’t go out in it directly for very long and it shows regardless of how tan I may appear.

Another surprise waiting for us when we got back was that the guys had beat us back by about 15 minutes. Dale had already cleaned one of the 3 fish he caught and was preparing to tackle the huge grouper that he had speared. He was truly excited that he had landed the “biggest fish” for the day. He told me how they had taken turns 2 by 2 swimming around patch reefs looking for their prey and how they would flush them out, then swim around and spear them with their Hawaii slings. He told how he and Bob had spied a 50 pounder and that Bob had cautioned him that the really big ones catch you instead of the other way around by dragging you with them once they’ve been speared. Dale said that the one that he did catch, dang near dragged him back to its hole, so now he knows where his limit is. He also told me that they kept moving to stay ahead of the sharks. I could have gone all day without that tidbit of information.

Needless to say we’re both exhausted but we did have a great grilled grouper dinner to end the day.