Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019
Palm Cay Marina, Bahamas

After checking with the office and told we could stay where we were, we elected to stay another day at the Marina as we could get WiFi (to upload these posts) and we had pretty good cell reception, so that Dale could get in touch with Medicare (again) and I could get some banking done.  Also, because they don’t open until 9am, we were literally locked in – as in there was a chain (much like a submarine net) across the channel - so we couldn’t have left if we had wanted to.

So began our day battling with computers.  Back in Ft. Pierce, the printer we had in place on the boat for many years started acting up with Dale.  The decision was made to donate it to a good home and purchase a new wireless one.  Only when I tried to use it, it wouldn’t connect to my computer.  Trying to download driver software was partially helpful, however, as it only worked when connected to the internet; not helpful when you’re away from land.  Only when I reverted to using an old USB cord that came with the old printer and hardwired the two together was I able to make a lasting connection.  Sometimes you just have to revert to low tech. 

Dale was able to straighten out his dilemma with Medicare and make a few phone calls to marine hardware stores on the island trying to locate a gasket for the heat exchanger on the starboard engine but no joy there.  I was able to connect my computer to the bank and take care of Dad for another month.  I was able to copy over some photos to my computer from my phone and camera to add to these posts and I was able to upload these posts before bedtime.  I would say that was a pretty successful day.  It certainly took all day.

The "Palace" at night.
At dinner tonight, we met Valerie and Mike on Cassandra; two individuals who made a living in computer technology but who are now on their way to competing in 3 multihull races down island.  Of course, we met them after I’ve condemned myself to hell and back for all of the cursing I’ve done today. 

After comparing boats, I’ve got a feeling they’re going to beat us there as I have way too much toilet paper on board.  (inside joke folks!)  We promised to be their personal fan club if we happed to see them compete. 

Dale has shown me the charts and the weather predictions and as I understand it, we may have a boisterous romp but we’ll be leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for Highbourn Cay; or when the submarine net comes down.  On your mark, get set,  . . .