Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Quarantine Anchorage (Sailor/Wuflu Jail), Grenada – Day 11/12

Six months ago a man stumbles across a genie’s bottle and is granted three wishes.  He tells the genie "I am a simple man. All I wish for is to spend more time with my family, have a shorter commute and a case of Corona."

In spite of it being a Sunday, it was sunny today and every other boat in the anchorage (including us) thought that today was perfect for doing laundry.  Once done that was about it for me until dinner time. 

Since Dale had to run the generator for me to do laundry, he ran the water maker, the water heater, made ice and charged the batteries.  Then he fixed 3 of the locks on drawers and doors that pop open when we’re under way.  One unfortunately seems to be missing a piece.  I usually just slap a piece of tape over them.  I guess he’s getting tired of seeing blue tape all over the boat. 

Homemade Pizza
We’re all getting excited for tomorrow.  Savannah is worried that the pin prick will hurt.  Dale is studying up for the test.  Forget the test!  I can’t wait to finally go swimming in a pool.  The marina we will be staying at has one.  I plan on staking out a spot every day. 

For dinner tonight, I tried my hand at making a homemade pizza.  Plus I tried using some of the bread I made yesterday into little hors doeuvres.  Both attempts were well received.  Heavy on the starch but since I was using many of the same ingredients, why not? 

Wish us well tomorrow. 

This one’s for Gerry:  As a fisherman who has no idea what he's doing, he doesn’t need to worry about the corona virus.  He never catches anything.