Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Cave Cay Marina, Bahamas

Today was spent mostly preparing for tomorrow as the weather forecast is holding steady.  Although the day started out grey and blustery, it cleared up by mid morning and I washed, hung out, folded and put away the last of the laundry.

Dale ran the fuel polisher again, took a scraper to the props and the sides of the hulls where grass had started to grow, walked the garbage to the cans at the end of the dock and topped off the water tank one last time.  We’ve singled up our lines and all is prepared to make our move to Georgetown first thing in the morning. 

We said our farewells to Scott and Sonia, our dockmates, and summoned Shark from parts unknown to pay our bill (no, we never did get water to the pier).  I guess we’re as ready as we can be.  Well, at least Dale is.  My chest feels as if its going to explode but I’m a great believer in mind over matter . . . one foot in front of the other . . . breathe in, breathe out, move on . . .

I’ll let you know tomorrow as to how it works out.