Tuesday, August 01, 2006

08/01 - 06/2006
Chaguaramas, Trinidad

Nothing much new to tell you about.

Linda and I swim laps every morning, or as many mornings as we can. She and Gary are returning to California for a few weeks and are putting Rainbow Rider on the hard. We helped them take down their sails one morning. They have been kind enough to offer to take with them mail and lists from various boats for items to bring back. Ours was among them. Dale needed more twizzlers.

Our little neighborhood dinghy watch appears to be working. Unfortunately for the next harbor down, the thieves have moved on to their area as there was an armed robbery of a boat in their anchorage. The boat owner reported on the morning radio net that three men, who appeared to be locals, brandished small hand guns when they boarded their boat. Luckily, they were able to fend them off with “knives and clubs”. The organizer of our neighborhood watch said that he would let them know how we were doing ours. Hopefully, this will work.