Thursday, February 06, 2020

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Turks & Caicos

Today was another sort of lazy day waiting for news from the insurance companies and pretty much killing time.  We started off with a new neighbor.  A monohull named La Perle Blue, a French Canadian, single handleing.  Apparently, he knows the boat that came in yesterday.  There was a lot of yelling back and forth but he was pulled into place with lines stretched across the slips and was tied up without much drama.  Then we returned to our own lives for the remainder of the day.

To keep busy, Dale hung our security light in the cockpit.  It’s a solar powered motion sensor light that activates if anyone comes near the cockpit.  We have another for the foredeck but so far, its still in its box.  Then he went to the boat next to us to run its bilge pumps while the delivery captain’s away. 

Then this evening, we joined the crew of Texas Crewed for the Thursday evening Fish Fry in Turks.  Apparently, every Thursday, craft people and local restaurants get together in one location and then all the tourists show up to eat and buy locally crafted souvenirs.  We arrived early and were able to purchase the much sought after lobster dinners for everyone but me; I had the jerked chicken.  It was mighty spicy.  Good thing I had the mac and cheese to tame the flames.  We walked around all of the booths but then decided that just because I like something doesn’t mean that any of the kids or grandkids would like it, so I left without purchasing anything. 

When we returned, we invited them aboard our boat for show and tell; tomorrow, they’ll return the favor.  So that’s about it for today.