Saturday, January 13, 2007

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

I’ve admired Ellen MacArthur for some time now and having finished reading her autobiography today, I am more in awe than ever before. She is an amazing young athlete and competitive sailor.

While I finished my literary pursuits, Dale went up to the marina store and bought more rum. There was no limit today but I reminded him that the limits of our boat have just about been met. We do need to leave room for groceries in case we want some crackers to go with our rum.
When the rain moved in, we turned our attention back to the Hornblower series and watched a couple more of the movies; we’ve really been enjoying those.
In case you’re wondering, our modifications to the back awning were doing quite nicely in the wind and rain.

Although we haven’t heard from Gerry & Nicky, a review of the weather in their area would indicate that they might be waiting another week should the small window that might appear early next week close before they can get out or doesn’t allow enough time to even get out. If that’s the case, we’re contemplating moving on to St. Thomas to wait for them with the base closing more and more of its amenities. We’re disparately in need of an internet connection and will start looking for one that we can ride our bikes to - although it will be a very long ride.
We finished our day by meeting up with Tom & Jordan and their friends Jack & MeiLing, a naturally blonde Puerto Rico with a Chinese name (her description, not mine). We ate Tex-Mex food and played Mexican Dominoes. At the end of the evening, I had the highest score. For those of you who don’t know the game, that means I didn’t win.