Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

Well, we moved the boat.  Listening to the weather this morning we started the debate over whether to move, or not to move.  There was a west wind component to the forecast and we knew that we were just this shy of not having enough room to swing through the compass.  So, to resolve the issue, we decided to give the anchor a tug in what would be the direction of a west wind.  At first it seemed to be fine, then Dale said to do it again as he thought it was the kellet holding us in place not the anchor.  Sure enough, it dragged and there wasn’t enough room to readjust with all of the new boats that had come in and anchored next to us.  We hoisted anchor and moved to just outside of the town where we would be more protected.  Its much shallower here but we have room to swing if needed. 

When we first approached, we saw What If, a sister ship to the Palace that we met at NAS Jax.  After anchoring, we said our hellos, loaned them our water jerry can (as their water maker is broken too) and then Dale took off to fill our dinghy gas tank as he didn’t want me crossing the channel to play Dominos on a ¼ tank and as long as we’re on this side of the channel, why not?  By the end of the day, they up anchored and moved south; never said why.  Maybe our reputation precedes us and they didn’t want to have any part of it!  Maybe they didn’t want to be down wind of me cooking.  Can’t be that, I haven’t set off the fire alarm once this trip!

By the time I would have left for Dominos, the clouds were gathering and the wind started to pick up.  I called the organizer and bailed as I had already been soaked to the skin once this week and really didn’t want to repeat the feeling.  Of course, as soon as I did, the weather decided to hold off until midnight. 

Why is it the worst weather always comes in at midnight?  Dale checked our weather source again about 5pm to see if there was any change in the update.  Nope!  The worst part will be after midnight and before dawn but it seemed to be less than what we heard this morning.  So another night of clinging to the bed or worse, staying up all night making sure all is right with the world. 

BTW:  Still no parts!