Thursday, January 04, 2007

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

While the moon was still high in the sky, we retrieved our anchor and headed away from St. Thomas about 6:25 am. The Queen Mary II was resting just outside of the entrance to St. Thomas harbor as she appeared to be too large to negotiate the channel. Four other cruise ships were vying for position in the line up to enter in and take their place along the dock.

It was a pretty straight forward motor on our return to Puerto Rico and we called ahead to file our float plan to enter Ensenada Honda at Roosevelt Roads. We tied up and checked in with the office and learned that our hot water tank had finally arrived. We also learned that officially the bowling alley had closed on the 31st of December as had everything else, including the gym, marina mini-mart and gas station. Unofficially, they are still waiting to find out if they would open up again in a week or two. The marina itself is in a quasi-closed operation. We had paid a month in advance and had no problem in returning. However the new procedures are to report to the base security office in person to file your float plan to secure access to the marina. We spoke to Hector, the marina manager and he gave us permission to use the marina’s internet connection since we have our own computer and only need the line.

We washed off the boat, connected the electricty and water then collapsed into bed for a nap. We were both exhausted. Regardless of how uneventful the sail was, it still took the better part of the day to return and as I’ve said many times before, fresh air will kill you.