Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Turks & Caicos

I can’t say a whole lot happened today.  We got together with the other boats and nothing much has changed as far as the forecast, so depending upon draft, the monohulls that needed the extra depth either left today at high tide or will leave tomorrow at high tide.  We don’t need the extra room (although its always nice) so will leave at first light on Friday and sail straight through, stopping only if we arrive too early to make the crossing to the Dominican Republic at sunset.  Basically, no matter when everyone leaves, we’ll rendezvous together at Big Sand Cay to make the crossing to Ocean World together.  We all have reservations, so no one will be left out in the cold.  Then we’re all hoping to catch another window at the end of next week. 

We returned and started preps.  Dale has already run the fuel polisher for a full cycle the last 2 days and jumped in to scrub the grass that has started to form at the water line.  He had lots of help from the fish taking shelter underneath the boat.  I contented myself with scrubbing the bathroom and doing dishes.  Yes, I guess my reprieve from dishes is now officially over now that the splint has been removed.  Tomorrow I’ll make another casserole to tide us over during the transit, run the last loads of laundry and make a final run to the grocery store. 

Tonight we met with Louise and Robin off Zandolee (one of the boats we’re making the transit with) and Brandy and Dave off Stargazer (who are heading back to Florida until next year when they will come back down and came over from the shipyard where their boat is being repaired) up at the restaurant to listen to the music and chat about our plans.  Although Louise and Robin were planning on taking off at day break, Brandy was telling Louise how to download movies to her computer, so Robin may be up later than expected after all.  As always, sailing plans are only as firm as jello.