We’ve had some nice weather the last couple of days. I’ve taken to checking my e-mails, swimming a few laps around the boat, then surfing the internet to my heart’s content. Dale has been tasking himself with little odd jobs here and there, swimming around the boat a few times, reading and getting a few more CME classes done.
Today, we gave up waiting and called the insurance companies again. We’ve learned that once again, we’re at their mercy. It’s going to cost us considerably more to stay put in a river 20 miles from the ocean than it has been to travel from island to island throughout the Caribbean. It cost us more to go sailing when we left and now its costing us more to come home again. Go figure!
With our business accomplished, I have no reason to linger longer except that once again, the internet has become my umbilical to the rest of the world. Tomorrow, I’ll check my e-mails, then disconnect until we’re back in Florida. We’ve been told that there are no more connections between here and there.
So . . . We’ll catch up with ya’ll on the other side of the Gulf Stream.
Photo: Curly tailed lizard watching us, watching him.