Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Turks & Caicos

Today, I was a bum.  I’ve been nursing a cold for a little over a week, so I took an extra nap after sleeping in.  I did attend a little impromptu meeting Dale and a couple of other boats threw together talking about checking out and moving to the DR at the end of the week.  We’ve lost a full day as the weather window is moving in quite a bit faster than we had anticipated and we all want to be tucked in before getting caught in nasty weather down by the Mona Passage, a swath of sea very much like the Gulf Stream; it can be calm with a glass like surface or nasty with monster waves beating you up.  One of the boats that wants to travel with us, Never Say Never, has a couple of kids on board, so they are very cautious.  We’ll all get together again tomorrow to look at the weather once more before making our decision as to whether to check out tomorrow with an early Thursday morning departure or waiting another day for better weather conditions.  We may separate out with the monohulls leaving one day and the cats leaving another. 

Other than that, not much happening.