Wednesday, November 29, 2006

St. Anne, Martinique

We’ll be listening to the weather each morning from now until we leave trying to find our weather window to make the jump to St. Croix. We figure it will take us between 45-50 hours to make the transit but we don’t want to get caught in anything so we’ll wait for a 3 day window. This morning’s forecast sounds like we might be here for a week or more waiting. Unfortunately, it sounds like Gerry & Nicky, the friends we’re meeting in Puerto Rico, have it much worse since we figure that they are in the northern Exumas where the winds are howling and the seas are in the 10-15’ range. We’d rather they take their time and be careful rather than rush and beat up their boat or get hurt.

After we got our morning chores done, we lowered the dink, and headed over to meet Gary & Linda on Rainbowrider when we met up Jerry & Linda from Summer Breeze. They had been our neighbors on the same dock as us in Trini, so we spent a few minutes drifting in the current catching up with them and promised to get together later in the week.

Eventually, we met up with Rainbowrider and motored our way over to Le Marin to clear customs into Martinique; they‘re only open in the morning and we arrived too late yesterday. We showed Gary & Linda around a bit as they haven’t been here before. Linda is planning a trip back home to be with her father when he has some surgery and Gary will be left here until she returns. They have a French made boat so he’s hoping to be able to find a lot of the pieces and parts he’s been looking for here. He absolutely loves the fresh baguettes in the French islands and has already found where they make them in St. Anne each morning.

When we came back we toyed with the idea of moving the Palace over to Le Marin since we’ll be making daily trips but since we have a good hold and it appears that the anchorage we’re in now is calmer that the inner one, we decided to stay put. The remainder of our afternoon was spent quietly, reading, people watching and catching up on my blog posts.