Saturday, January 18, 2020
Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas
What a night! Dale and I elected to stand anchor watch again as the winds picked up as predicted and were blowing 25 kts. by 9pm with the radio periodically hailing those that were dragging. Thankfully, we didn’t; although we did see 25-30 kts. sustained with gusts as high as 34 kts. We also kept an eye on a large 75’ motor yacht to the side of us which apparently has a “boat sitter” that was dragging. As it was moving slowly in a straight line and there was no one behind them, we decided not to wake the entire harbor at 2am by hailing them. We noticed that by early afternoon, it had moved back closer to its original position.
We caught up on our sleep mid-morning after the cruisers’ net and set about doing minor household chores in the early afternoon. Dale thought he heard a dinghy approaching us but then called to me all excited as there was a sea plane landing in our anchorage. By the time I got outside, there was a second one making its approach as well. A couple of minutes later, 2 more seaplanes arrived. The really exciting part was the space to the left of us was their landing zone, so we had an up close and personal view. As my camera was put away, I was only able to grab shots of them with my cell phone. Not bad, I’d say. We can only surmise that they simply stopped in for lunch and then were on their way. When they left, one “buzzed” the harbor a couple of time. I was so excited, whoopin’ and hollerin’, I was barely able to catch the photos.
Tonight, we watched another flyover as the ISS (International Space Station) passed over us. When it was mentioned earlier on the net, I was afraid that we would have too much cloud cover to see anything but it was perfect! We haven’t seen it in years and got a kick out of watching it again.
This evening we learned that we are without internet again, so these posts will have to wait until Monday’s trip into town before we can upload them for everyone to see. Depending upon the predicted direction of the wind, we may move to the town side of the channel for a short while as any west component to the wind will have us swinging in towards the beach and possibly too close. We’ll have to see.