Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturday, December 21, 2019
Cave Cay Marina, Bahamas

Well today was a bust.  I’ve never heard the wind blow so hard for so long.  At least the temps are in the mid 70’s and the rain has stayed away for the most part.  The really sad thing is that the weather isn’t predicted to change anytime soon.

After reading for a couple of hours, I realized that I was hearing something akin to music being played through the rigging and life lines.  Different tones caught my attention and I started listening very closely to the “notes”.  This boat has a sound all its own.  That’s what you do when there is nothing else to do. 

Dale tried to clean the bottom of the boat but the wind forced him to quit.  He replaced flag halyards as they broke.  We visited for a couple of minutes when Scott and Sonia wandered down the dock to walk their dog.  Then back to reading for a few more hours.  I was able to download more books to my Kindle late last evening when I was finally able to make an internet connection so I’m set for a few days.  We watched a couple of episodes of Battlestar this evening.  They weren’t what I remembered so I’m wondering if there was more than one series of the show. 

As I said, nothing to comment on today.