Sunday, January 5, 2020
Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas
Weather wise, we all started the day pointing west with hardly any wind but 2 hours later, beach church had been postponed and the wind and rain was howling from the north. The rain subsided fairly quickly but the wind has continued its 18-23 kts all day long. As a result, we’ve seen all sides of Loon throughout the day (still no joy on the slide but then they probably would have been launched half way across the channel today.) Also as a result, we’ve not gotten off the Palace all day.
Dale ran the engine to top off the battery, so I’ll have hot water for a shower tonight. It’s the little things that make your day sometimes.
This evening we were surprised to see Now and Zen, another Manta from Jacksonville, sail in. Apparently, they are here for a week or so before heading off. Hopefully, we’ll be able to make our way south in a week as well. It might have to be one day at a time wherever we can find it but every little bit helps.
We heard from Gerry and Nicky today. Priss, their cat, is sick so they made a bee-line to the British Virgins from Puerto Rico, as they had a weather window and to get her to a vet tomorrow.
Other then watching boats do the Georgetown shuffle, (anchoring on one side of the channel when the is blowing from one direction to anchoring on the other side when it changes again) that was our day.