Well, as luck would have it, TS Barry and his associated squalls moved in quicker than we first thought. We had one good day to travel but needed two to transit to another secure anchorage, so we ended up staying on our mooring ball this entire time.
I wish that I could say that we explored, swam, and thoroughly enjoyed our visit here but considering that the wind was howling and it rained the entire time, we did absolutely nothing except our normal, rainy weather routine: watched movies, read books and played on the computer. It was a good thing that when we checked in, we noticed a book swap in the corner and exchanged a bag of paperbacks for a handful of a few more.
In any event, except for the trailing “comma” of storms associated with one of the outside rain bands from Barry, we anticipate being able to get underway to the north tomorrow. Once again we’ll try to make Ship Channel Cay on the first day and Spanish Wells on the second. Wish us luck.