Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

Dale and I modified the back awning this morning. We had been having a problem with rain water collecting on it and causing it to mildew. I already have a rain catcher, so I didn’t need another. I borrowed part of someone else’s idea and purchased ½” PVC pipe to feed through the end hem securing it to the two sides of the back arch thus creating a taller arch. I wanted the awning arch to be high enough to allow the motion activated light to still work and for Dale to be able to walk underneath it without ducking all of the time but still out of the way of the wind generator and not cause a shadow on the solar panels. Dale added another grommet to it so that we could secure the arching portion aft and right now it’s looking pretty good. Only time will tell whether it’s a good design for wind and rain.

Our next project was to see if we could hook into another internet connection up at the office. With the base officially closed, we’ve been living in a type of limbo here. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather be here with only water, electricity and laundry than a couple of miles down the road with everything else at twice the cost and half the security.

Regrettably, we were unsuccessful in our attempt to use the marina office’s internet lines. It appears that some type of guard has been placed on the internet access in the marina office as the connections there were originally designed as government work stations. Those in the bowling alley were specifically designed to be unlimited internet connections. Even using our computer, we were unable to connect, so we’ll have to collect these posts and find another way to upload them the next time we have access to a car.