Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

It rained off and on today but between raindrops I did laundry and “assisted” Dale in splicing an eye in a double braided rope. I say “assisted” only in reference to the fact that we had two sets of directions on how to complete the task. Mine had more pictures but lacked some key steps. Dale’s set of instructions were more detailed but practically written in Greek; sometimes you just need a little visual aid to figure out what is being conveyed. Between the two sets of information, multiple readings, a couple pair of scissors, several ‘fids’ (giant metal needles), a cleat on the dock and our combined body weights to ‘bury the splice’, we figured it out and now have a very nice little eye spliced into the new spinnaker halyard which holds the snap shackle. Pretty dang professional looking, I might add.

Now we only have to run it down the mast.