Saturday, January 20, 2007

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

Today we picked up Tom & Jordan and made our way to Micky D’s. We each took a table and hooked into the internet for the rest of the morning. The transfer of the old blog posts to the new and improved look was completed and I was able to load all of the posts for this year. I was surprised when the older posts took on the new look but I think it makes reading them a lot easier and it certainly is quicker to upload them. Hopefully down island, it will be just as quick.

Tom was grumbling from time to time as he couldn’t get his Skype to work. I knew his software was loaded properly since he had been able to use the connection at the base before the bowling alley closed so it had to be something simple. Dale was reading a book off to the side and went over to assist. He asked Tom to go back out and show him from the beginning what he was doing. Sure enough, on the very first step Dale saw the difference. Once that was changed, Tom & Jordan were happy campers talking to all of their relatives for the rest of the morning. I think Tom was a little embarrassed when the problem was identified but sometimes it just takes a second pair of eyes to see the difference.

After we were all caught up with our internet activities, we headed back to the base and passed the word to Bill & Sharon that we were all going to Lolitas for dinner since we had transportation that would carry all of us. We had a great evening and enjoyed our dinner out.