Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Rodney Bay, St. Lucia

Do you remember when we were in Culebrita and I described where I pulled on the out furl before I pulled on the out haul, in essence unfurling the main in the mast? Thank heavens it wasn’t me who did it today. We had anticipated hoisting anchor at 7:00am but due to the complication, it was closer to 7:30 before we were able to inch out the sail, lift the anchor off the bottom and chase after DocNoMore who had left on time. Also, lucky for us, it was the only problem we had during the day. It ended up being a great transit. The winds were 12-15kts and the waves were 3-4’; making for a great romp across the passage between the islands.

About 4 hours later and we rounded Pigeon Island and entered into Rodney Bay, St. Lucia. The bay itself is quite large. There is a Sandals Beach Resort along the Pigeon Island side and a beautiful white sand beach running along the town side. With the aid of the chart plotter and the maps in the cruising guide, we were able to locate the tiny but deep channel leading to the marina and its lagoon further inside. From outside the bay looking in, it was rather difficult to discern the opening between the 2 rock jetties that overlapped each other, thereby obscuring the actual passage between them.

We entered the marina area and easily tied up to the fuel dock. We added 55 gallons of diesel to our tanks and prepared to leave when Dale noted that he was given a bill for $48 EC (Eastern Caribbean dollars $2.65=$1 US). After having just come from Martinique where the currency is Euros ($.75=$1 US), it took him a few seconds to realize that a rather large mistake had been made.

He returned to the cashier and explained that he bought 55 gallons of fuel not the 5.5 gallons she had charged him for. You would have thought she would have been a bit more responsive to the fact that he had pointed out the discrepancy but she just corrected the mistake and handed him back the bill with hardly a smile.

We threaded our way back to the lagoon and dropped the hook in 8’ of sticky mud. There are only 2 other boats in here besides us and DocNoMore, so we have plenty of swing room. Besides that, our view couldn’t be better. We are surrounded by beautifully landscaped 2 story duplexes and 2 & 3 story town homes lining the lagoon. The houses beyond them on the hillside appear to be well maintained too. In short, this island seems a lot more developed and economically sound than the other islands we’ve visited.

While Dale and Roger checked us into customs, Elaine introduced me to Don & Diane on Cloud Nine and Greg & Meg on Wet Bar. Both of these boat crews have been cruising for quite some time now and offered all sorts of tidbits on the islands further south to us first timers. When Dale & Roger came back, we promised to return later to continue our discussions.

This evening, the four boat crews got together for a potluck dinner and talked about anything and everything. One of the first things on our to-do list is to locate tickets to the 15th Annual St. Lucia Jazz Festival which starts this week.