Great Abaco, Bahamas
Today was a nice day but still a little windy for anchoring in any other harbor. In fact, Toucan Dream hailed us on the radio and said that they would be coming for a visit later in the morning. Just before noon, they dropped by in Bobcat, their very nice and very large tender that they fish from. They were headed into town to the grocery store and dropped by to say hi. They relayed that Angelfish Point was getting choppy but they thought they’d ride it out.
We joined them in town later for lunch and while Bob, Caron and Dale enjoyed fried conch, I had baked chicken. It was a pretty good meal and we enjoyed their company.
After lunch, they headed back to Toucan Dream, Dale went down for a nap and I picked up another book. Pretty soon, Pixy Dust and Naked Lady came into the anchorage. We’d last seen them in Marsh Harbor. Not too long after that, Sand Dollar, who shared the anchorage with us in Manjack came in from Angelfish Point. Earl said that when his wife gave him that look, he knew that it was time to leave. So Angelfish and some of the other anchorages open to the west wind must be getting pretty uncomfortable. We thoroughly figured that Toucan Dream wouldn’t be far behind them but it looks like they gutted it out.