Thursday, June 29, 2006

True Blue Bay, Grenada

Today was rainy and windy; then ended with dead calm. We were all scrambling for a look a the grib sheets to see if we can sneak out a day early. It’s a definite maybe.

Dale managed to run up a new flag halyard and rearranged the cleat it’s attached to between the showers. I tried cleaning the isinglass to get out all of the red sand they’ve been collecting by being rolled up.

Then we both sat back down dripping wet from sweat. The humidity is amazing here. The sheer act of moving causes you to bead up. You’d think with all of the sweating we’re doing here, we’d lose a few pounds. Dale looks like a bean pole because he hasn’t been able to keep up his exercise routine. I look like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man.

We got together with Carol & Wayne and Mike & Sara on Wayfinder for our last social hour together for a while. Even if we don’t leave for Trinidad tomorrow, we’ll hoist anchor and head over to Prickly Bay for fuel and check out of customs. Then we’ll probably short anchor in Hog Island until we’re ready to leave.

The big problem is going to be hoisting our stern anchor, a/k/a our storm anchor. With the squalls that have passed by here, we’re pretty well dug in. Yesterday, the local charter company sent out a diver to pull up several moorings that, until they attached a float to them, were unknown to us. Then they moved one of their boats to a mooring that suddenly appeared very close to us. Once we lift the stern anchor, I think we’ll come way too close to that boat. Dale said he was more worried that we would swing too close to Wayfinder. Again, they anchored close to us but with our stern anchor holding us in place, it wasn‘t a problem. Tomorrow should be a very interesting day.