Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

Turks & Caicos
We're the boat in the middle 
with the arch and American flag!

Well, today was rather interesting.  We started our day standing by to fend off while the big motor yacht was moved into a spot right next to us.  Andy and Denise own the yacht, Goin' Sum Where.  He is ex-Marine and she is an ex-Air Force nurse.  We’ve been teasing them that they’re so big, they block out the sun for us. Anyway, there was no mishap and everyone is nice and cozy. 

Then we learned that we had left watching the Super Bowl too early last evening and the Chiefs came back to win.  When we left, they were trailing 20-10 but somehow, they managed to pull it off.  No matter, we had a good time and met new people, most who are hoping to make it as far south as Grenada or Trinidad by hurricane season. 

Then Dale cleaned the salt water rust stains off the boat, checked the oil, fluids and belts on the engines, tried a suggested fix for the water maker (no joy) and then cleared the vacuum break and manipulated the control valve on the toilet to keep it from over filling.  We started to notice that it was getting fuller than normal after its use.  Don’t need a problem like that underway. 

Then while Dale stayed back to run David, a rigger we met, up the mast to complete the insurance required inspection (which was--as expected--in great condition), I caught a ride, a service provided each day by the marina owner himself, into town to the local IGA supermarket.  You never appreciate what you have as an American until you visit other countries.  Today, after spending a couple of months in the Bahamas, I truly appreciated a well-stocked supermarket.  It was as if I had walked into a market back home.  Great looking produce, a good selection of meats, lots of names I recognized and bright, clean facilities.  Granted, it didn’t have everything I wanted but just about.  I had to keep telling myself that it wasn’t necessary to pick up everything now, as I really didn’t have the refrigerator or freezer space to store it.  I was a happy camper.  I didn’t think I’d find a supermarket like this until we were in Puerto Rico again.  What a pleasant surprise. 

Each Monday, Bob, the marina owner schedules an evening barbeque for the cruisers to bring something to grill and something to share.  Tonight, we had a nice turn out and Bob was constantly going back and forth bringing out more and more chairs as people arrived.  He provides the picnic supplies, condiments and ice cream at the end.  Of course, we ate too much but had a great time. 

Would you believe it?  Dale just told me he needs a blanket on the bed.  It’s in the low 70’s this evening.  I think we’ve become acclimated to the tropics already! 

Well, I guess it’s time to bundle up.