Friday, December 29, 2006

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

It’s been raining most of today but since the bowling alley was opened until 9pm, I camped out in front of my computer and tried to get as much as I possibly could done before Dale came by to drag me back to the boat. It was achingly slow, but I’m proud to say that I’m caught up on my e-mails, all of our bills have been reviewed and paid, our investments checked, and all of the blogs that could be posted, were in fact uploaded.

Dale spent the day taking down the Christmas lights and preparing to unplug our umbilical cords to Roosey and sail to Culebra tomorrow. He also made sure that since the last word was that the base would be closing on the 31st, we would be allowed back in to retrieve our various cords, lines, hoses, and bicycles before considering leaving them behind (As tenants of the marina, we are supposed to be given 30 days notice to vacate in the event the marina is closed. To date, no such notice has been given to anyone.) Hector, the marina manager, confirmed with the base Officer In Charge and we’re set to go (and return). If our hot water tank arrives while we’re gone, they’ll hang on to it for us.

One good note; when we bumped into the base OIC, he told us that his orders were extended for another 18 months and that now AAFES (Army Air Force Exchange System, I think) as well as the Army, is interested in taking over the marina. That’s certainly an indication that the Navy is prepared to stay as administrators for that additional amount of time and that there is still a speck of hope that the marina will remain a military operation. In addition to that, rumor has it that the local affiliation of St. Lukes Hospital was taking applications for nurses, technicians, etc to reopen the dental clinic here on base as a Veterans Clinic. I suggested that Dale put in his application if they offer housing on base as an incentive; I know which house I want this time! Not very big but a great view!!