Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cayo Herraduro,

Today we are again in awe of the beauty and tranquility of this anchorage. I sat in the cockpit all day either reading or gazing at the blue green colors of the water, the incredibly blue sky or blinding white beaches.

It was Gerry & Nicky’s turn to dink around the periphery, exploring what little is here and enjoying what is not. When they returned, we discussed how we would exit the bay after dark and make our way to Los Roques.

When the time came at 8 pm, we lifted our anchors and slowly crept out. Dale was on the bow with a megawatt flashlight and lit up the few boats that had found there way into the anchorage during the day. There was no moon and we had decided earlier in the day to remove our solar lights along the sides to help us maintain our night vision.

We set our heading and made a respectable 7-8 kts for a couple of hours. Then the wind shifted to aft of our beam and although we still had the 15-18 kts predicted, the sensation was that we were barely moving when in actuality, we maintained a 6 kts average throughout the night.