Friday, December 23, 2005

Atlantic Ocean

Another first! After much consideration, we decided to make a break for Mayaguana. We figured that we could either motorsail before the front in calm seas or motorsail after the front in confused seas. Obviously, we elected the former and it has been a wonderful experience.

First, we're sailing!! Once we cleared the island of Rum Cay, the winds picked up, we turned off the engine, put up those white flappy things and kept moving. In the direction we intended no less; the entire way thus far; with no tacking (zig-zagging back and forth). Of course, the catamaran took off and left Calaloo and us in the proverbial dust. Although Calaloo has a shorter water line than we, it is a ketch rig (more sails) so we are fairly well matched for speed. Secondly, we're sailing at 5-7 kts; we're actually getting someplace (in sailboat terms).

The first for us is the actual sailing where we want to go on an overnight transit in the Atlantic Ocean. Wow! Sleeping should be a whole lot easier without an engine droning loudly in your bedroom.

We hoisted anchor at noon and anticipate anchors down sometime between 10am - 2pm tomorrow in Mayaguana. At the rate we're going, it'll be closer to 10am than 2. Needless to say, our day has consisted of reading for me and fishing for Dale. He had a hit early in the day that bent his hook but since then, the only thing he caught was his other line. What a mess. He took him about an hour and a half to detangle the knot. I thought about the fact that prior to this trip, he probably would have just cut the tangle out, salvaged the lures and retied them to more line. But with all the time in the world, he sat and straightened out the jumbled web. Interesting, don't you think?