Friday, February 03, 2006

Ponce, PR

Once again we rose with the sun to make our way through the reefs and on to Ponce. We entered the harbor to find that Romance and Nicolini, who had traveled with us from Luperon, had arrived before us. Nicolini must have passed us while we were in Gilligan's Island, as we had left them in Boqueron.

We each took our turn at the fuel docks and then took slips. Roger and Mike were impressed that I was at the helm not only when we pulled into the fuel pier, but also when we pulled into the slip. All of the women are at the helm during our anchoring exploits and we all stand our own watches, but we see don't see the ladies at the helm pulling into slips very often. Dale and I started off with me at the helm as a safety measure in the event something happened to him, I could bring the boat in myself if I had to. Then, we attended a seminar that Tom Neale presented in which he encouraged the women to be the helmspersons, as the men had the upper body strength to fend off in emergency situations and manhandle spring lines as necessary. This we knew to be true, so we've just sort of left it that way. Anyway, I take acknowledgment when I can get it and today they both had kind words that I appreciated.

The three boats split the cost of renting a minivan and took off to downtown Ponce to see the sights. We found the art museum that DocNoMore wanted to tour. Unfortunately, it was half an hour before closing and they didn't want to purchase the admission for just half an hour. We also found the cathedral that MTNest wanted to see but it was closed, so . . . we went to Walmart. There were lots of little things that we all needed and this was the store to fill the bill.
We finished off the day by walking along the boardwalk outside of the Yacht Club to a Cuban restaurant not far away. We all enjoyed our dinners but the plantains, whether mashed, fried, or sculpted into a bowl for stews, where not making any points with our group.

Tomorrow we're all headed to visit the caves in the center of the island. In the 3 years we lived here previously, I don't recall anything about sightseeing caves. This should be fun.