Sunday, March 19, 2006

Roosevelt Roads, PR

We hoisted our anchor and slipped out of Charlotte Amalie at 6:30 am. We passed Calaloo bobbing silently at her anchor without a dinghy which would indicate that Rick & Connie (whom we had met in the Exumas) were elsewhere. As silently as we could, we left St. Thomas behind. The cruise liners were just arriving, so we left by the west side of Hassel Island and out through Haulover Cut.

For the longest time, the anonometer indicated double zeros but once out into the ocean, it started registering a slight breeze; we kept motoring in the calm seas. We adjusted course to skirt a tug and barge near Sail Rock. We motored past a white research vessel, more than likely on its way to the coral preserve off St. John.

Between 8 and 8:45 we listened to the SSB for DocNoMore and MTNest, periodically hailing them. We motored past the sail boat race on Culebra that Dale had originally wanted to participate in but visiting with Gerry & Nicky until Friday and picking Michelle, our daughter, up in San Juan on Sunday, was more important. We looked for Dotty II, the boat Chuck McLaughlin would have been racing on but didn’t see her.

We did pass St. Christopher on her way to St. Thomas from Roosey to pick up guests and spoke to Tom & Jordan briefly regarding their plans for heading south. For old times sake, we hailed Rainbow Rider on the radio, just in case they might be within range. No response.

The wind never did pick up to more than 6 or 7 kts. We motored the entire way back to Roosey Roads and arrived by 1:00 pm. Once we were tied up at our slip again, Dale set about scrubbing the salt off the Palace and I started getting caught up on the laundry. Tomorrow we pick up Michelle.

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