Monday, May 01, 2006

St. Anne, Martinique

Today was field day on the Palace. While Dale scrubbed the bottom of the boat, I scrubbed the inside. Not very exciting.

Later, we dinghied into town and walked to the end of its main street, up to the local church, across to the cemetery, along the quayside and then back to the dinghy dock. We could see the Club Med further along the beach and commented that most people who come to the resort probably never see the little town right next to it. We bought a couple of baguettes from the local bakery and returned to the Palace.

This evening, we and DocNoMore were invited to visit on Wayfinder, a 47’ Nordhaven trawler. The nickel tour had both of the sail boat crews drooling over the full sized refrigerator, stove, oven, microwave, and the apartment sized dishwasher and washer/dryer. They also paid twice to three times as much for their boat as we did ours and still have just as many problems on their boat as we do ours They said that in the long run, their boat was made in China. I’m glad that they’re nice people and willing to share their air conditioning with us. We enjoyed their company.

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