Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hog Island, Grenada

Today we woke with the news (they sometimes read the headlines on the cruisers net) that the Democrats have taken the majority in Congress and that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has resigned. No details were given. Sounds like another internet run to catch up on what’s going on back home.

Right now we’re all rather cautiously watching a low pressure system to our east. We had decided to stay in Grenada to the weekend to allow the regatta taking place in Carriacou to dispense before we made our way in that direction. That low pressure system will be effecting the winds and waves between here and there over the same days. Needless to say, we’ll stay here until it passes and we fair weather sailors can mosey on up without undue drama.

Tonight’s social hour was on Rainbow Rider. John & Debra from Sea Witch and Jim & Sue from Raggy Chap were also in attendance. Debra noted that with all of us bringing horsdoeuvres, there’s never a need for dinner afterwards. We had turned off the lights to watch as a brightly lit space station (or some satellite) flew overhead. Unfortunately, it was at the same time a large working boat (or a really small freighter) decided to leave the harbor beyond us and came a little too close for comfort. Linda was scrambling around to turn the lights back on but wasn’t able to get to them before he passed only a few yards behind us. Our dinghies took the majority of the jostle but I’m sure the freighter was surprised to see how close we were when the lights did come back on. Never a dull moment.

Tomorrow, if the forecast holds true, we’ll probably move a little further up into the anchorage to give ourselves a bit more protection from the outside swells. If things really start to look interesting, we’ll throw out a second anchor, just in case.

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