Saturday, December 23, 2006

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

We have a car, so that means shopping! Dale was none too excited about heading out on the weekend before Christmas so I gave him a hard time about being a Scrooge and dragged him along anyway. Mostly we were out for grocery shopping but we found a Radio Shack that had the plugs that allow our American 110 plugs to be used in the European 210 sockets at the internet cafes on some of the islands south of here. Usually I can get by with WiFi but its always nice to have an electrical backup in case it’s a slow connection.

When we got back to the boat, we dropped by St. Christopher and got together with Tom & Jordan to discuss sharing our Christmas turkey with them. (You remember that one don’t you? The one we tracked down last October in Trinidad for Thanksgiving but ended up not using. Well, its been residing quite nicely in a compartment in our ice maker ever since.) We determined that Sunday evening would be best and divided up the menu. It will be very similar to our Thanksgiving feast but for four instead of 6.

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