Monday, May 28, 2007

Great Exuma Island,

According to the weather forecast this morning, the winds and seas were supposed to moderate throughout the day so that tomorrow would be a good day for a transit. Unfortunately, no one bothered to tell Mother Nature and if anything, the conditions have stayed the same or increased.

In spite of this, Dale and I made our way into town where we were in search of a laundry. The one we had originally gone to the first days we were here was closed. However, I remembered seeing one back in 2005 on our way down island and after cutting though a parking lot, across a gas station and looking through a few windows, we found it.

It was actually a good sized laundry with about 30 machines of which only half worked. They were all being used at the time but the sign on the wall stopped us dead in our tracks. They only accepted U.S. quarters and there was no change machine in the building. Go figure. We really don’t have American change at the moment. The Bahamas accept both currencies here but if you pay for purchases with U.S. dollars, you get Bahamian change. You can’t get coins from an ATM and being a holiday on the island, the gas station, supermarket and everything else was closed. Thus began our search for a fist full of U.S. quarters. We ended up walking about a half mile down the road to a hotel where we were able to get $2.50 in U.S. quarters. Good enough, I could hang the clothes up in the cockpit to dry.

The rest of the day was spent back on the boat. I ran the clothes line and hung the clothes, then took a nap while Dale worked on his CMEs. At least he was supposed to be doing his homework.

Tonight, the wind has continued to howl which leads me to wonder if we really will get away tomorrow. If you don’t see anything on the blog for a couple of days, you’ll know that we did. So wish us luck.

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