Sunday, November 03, 2019

October 30, 2019


Well, its official!  We’re on the boat.  The first night in almost a year.  The last couple of days have been spent unloading our pantry, refrigerator and freezer and reloading everything onto the boat and put away.  What didn’t fit, got tossed; no need to go grocery shopping after all and no need to pre-make casseroles as we’re not on vacation but actually living aboard; different mind set.  Dale has been very understanding but at one point told me that I couldn’t put the entire house on the boat.  Yes, I can.  This is going to be our home for the next couple of years so  . . .

Geri our friend for about 30 years will be housesitting for us and agreed to drive us to the boat after we did our walk around and a quick introduction to the neighbors.  She tooted the horn as she dropped us off at our slip and I had one of those anxious moments wondering why I wasn’t more excited.  Sheer exhaustion is probably the main reason.  

Once on the boat, I made the bed (something between boat yoga and bear wrestling) as Dale transferred a couple of our hurricane fenders to a dock mate who had shown an interest in them.  That last load of supplies is still sitting on the salon floor waiting for a permanent home but it will have to wait.  I can already tell that I’m going to be rearranging things for awhile until it feels right.  

Tomorrow the big adventure begins.  Dale says the weather isn’t looking good for an ocean transit which means the Intercoastal.  I’m not fond of that particular route as there’s usually more than a few bubba’s hauling buns for the local fishing holes rocking us violently on a very narrow and in some spots shallow, channel. 

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