Saturday, June 27, 2020

Friday, June 26, 2020

Quarantine Anchorage (Sailor/Wuflu Jail), Grenada – Day 9/10

Happy 7th Birthday Aidan !!!

First:  Remember all those times when you wished the weekend would last forever?  Well, wish granted!  Happy now?

Homemade Hamburger Buns
Another day in quarantine and nothing really to write about.  I’m not sure what got into me today but I defrosted the freezer and then made bread (yes, Nicky, I’m lazy and used the bread machine.)  I had run out of hamburger and hot dog buns and decided to give it a whirl.  They were a little heavier than I wanted so I probably should have let them rise longer.  I’ll try to be more patient next time.

Dale used up the last of the Flex (the stainless polisher), so he had to come up with something else to do.  He worked on the salt water pump as he had discovered that it wasn’t working the day we left St. Thomas when he tried using it on the anchor as he brought it up.  If you’ll recall, he just used a bucket of fresh water when the pump didn’t work.   In the end, he figured it needed to be replaced, so another item on the list. 

He then ran the water maker until it spit out the overflow, so nothing more to do on that project.  I have no idea what he’s going to do tomorrow. 

Unfortunately, that’s all for today. 

Finally:  Is it too early to put up the Christmas tree?  I’ve run out of things to do. 

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